Escaping NYC: Cold Spring Fever • alissa the artist
Sometimes it helps to have a change of scenery; experiencing new things can definitely brighten up your mood, inspire you and get those creative juices flowing. I’ve always had a big love of travel, but with my current un/employment status, I haven’t been able to hop on a plane much as I’d like to. On top of that, I felt like my life had gotten dull. There are only so many day parties and brunch parties one can go to before it all becomes a blur of the same people, places, and things. I was looking for a way to invigorate my life AND try something new. I wanted an adventure… I wanted to go to Cold Spring. I had originally planned to go with a small group of friends, but when I remembered that one of the women I personally invited ran an organization called Black Adventuristas, I decided to extend the invite to the group. My line of thinking was that if I needed a change, surely someone else needed one too! I can help shake things up. Cold Spring is a little less than an hour and a half away from New York City via MetroNorth. That’s […]
Alissa Nichole