Life Photography Random Thoughts Travel

Escaping NYC: Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar

Late last year, I decided that I wanted to start living deeper.
The year before that, I was unemployed. Travel is one of my passions and I hadn’t been anywhere in a while. I went from low and broke to working in the beauty industry very quickly. I finally had some coins, so I treated myself to an early birthday trip to Greece. I leaped to the fashion industry. Life was ok. Life was going. But life wasn’t exactly fulfilling; something was missing. There were certain pieces where my needs weren’t getting met. After returning from my week-long trip to Greece I wished for months that one of my friends would invite me on an adventure. I’m not in the habit of waiting for anyone, but that’s what I put out into the universe.
The day came: the email from Sabrina landed in my inbox, inviting me to Tanzania. I said yes. What I know for sure is: I don’t hesitate. That’s become my pattern.
Invite me somewhere and I’ll most likely say yes. That’s how I ended up in Tanzania… and in LA… and this coming weekend, camping. 
Tanzania, to date, has been my most transformative trip. I can rarely go somewhere and not have to worry about anything; in Tanzania, I felt safe and relaxed.
The journey began in Dar es Salaam. I was unsure of what to expect. I remember being in the customs line for what felt like an eternity. When I finally finished up business there, I grabbed my bags and rushed out of the airport. I was met with the thick, hot Tanzanian air and samosas from my host, Justa, of Curious on Tanzania.

Dar es Salaam is busy but peaceful. After cutting through the main parts of the city, we finally arrived at the hotel, The Mediterraneo. Once I calmed down from the 18-hour trip, I was able to find a sense of peace. Not because the hotel was situated on the coast and the sound of the waves was crashing became a soothing melody. It was more like, “Well, damn… I traveled all the way to Africa by myself. Look at me!” A proud moment.

My friend met up with me later on that night. We spent a couple of days in Dar, visiting places such as Makumbusho/Village Museum (which showcases traditional homes of various regions of Africa) and Kariakoo Market (which is the largest market in East Africa) before departing (on the tiniest plane I’ve ever been on) to Zanzibar.

The other moments that followed were just as priceless. I could rattle off a list of places that I visited, but I don’t think that will truly capture the authenticity of the experience. Truly, my favorite part of my trip was the freedom to “just be.” From indulging in local nightlife to eating at Lukmaan’s to exploring the old, interesting city of Stone Town in Zanzibar, to making friends with the Masai in Nungwi and coming across them dancing on the beach in the evening… I just kept having these “you had to be there” moments. Nevermind that I rang in the New Year there, like a fancy-pants travelista.

I might even say that this was my own version of “Eat Pray Love.” I majorly stepped outside of my comfort zone with this one. I tried new foods. I found a new love and curiosity for myself and the world around me. The bittersweet part is that I just now started living this life; the life I wish I had in my 20s. It’s never too late to be great, though.

With my new-found zest for life, I also decided to start something great with my friend, travel buddy and now business partner, based on our love of travel and fashion: we created Voyage en Vogue.

At this point, I feel like I’m rambling so I hope that you’re able to feel my joy, excitement, wonder, and love through these photos:

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    Bridges & Walls – alissa nichole
    December 28, 2019 at 3:29 pm

    […] time last year, I was visiting Tanzania with one of my friends, and it was there in Tanzania that we came up with the concept for Voyage en […]

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